Manish Rajput Photography

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Delhi India
Phone: +919891871419

Why We Choose food photography?

One of the most common questions asked why he chose to be a food and beverage photographer over others. The solution is straightforward. A delicious meal is one of life’s most simple pleasures. It’s usually the easy things that are the most difficult to shoot.

Manish has unique skills in analyzing the sensation of a soulful meal and showing it through photography. His pictures aim to bring the viewer through the smells, the textures, the flavours, and most importantly, the memories that food weaves. His clients admire his ability to translate their brand stories via powerful pictures. Having performed with various clients and innovative agencies, Manish is widely trusted for his knowledge of light and textures. He is an ardent believer in understanding the power of imagination. He is always looking for new technological improvements to make better annals.


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Got questions? We're here 7 days a week, ready to chat on WhatsApp! Expect a response in 10 minutes or less. Connect with us now for quick answers.

Ready to make your dishes the talk of the town? Let's turn your culinary creations into visual masterpieces! Book a food photography session today and let the flavors speak for themselves

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Delhi, India
Phone: +919891871419

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